
Cool-tip™ Rf Ablation System E Series Electrodes & Accessories

Designed for versatility, flexibility, and patient safety

Cool-tip™ Rf Ablation System E Series Electrodes & Accessories

Cool-tip™ RF ablation system E Series electrodes are preferred worldwide for their 17-gauge straight needle design with trocar-style tips allowing them to be inserted and positioned like biopsy needles.


The internally-cooled design limits tissue charring and permits increased energy deposition for potentially larger ablation volumes.

Intuitive patient return electrodes help protect against potential for hotspots and reduce the number of pads required.

An optional remote temperature probe allows real-time tissue monitoring for extra assurance of patient safety.

Cool-tip™ RF Ablation Single Electrode Kits E Series

Each single electrode kit includes one single 17-gauge electrode, one grounding pad and an inflow and outflow tubing set.

Cool-tip™ RF Ablation Cluster Electrode Kits E Series

Each cluster electrode kit includes one cluster 17-gauge electrode, one cluster introducer, two grounding pads, and an inflow and outflow tubing set.

Cool-tip™ RF Ablation Multiple Electrode Kits E Series

Multiple electrode kits include sets of two or three single 17-gauge electrodes, one spacer, two grounding pads and an inflow and outflow tubing set.

Cool-tip™ RF Ablation Remote Temperature Probes E Series

Optional remote temperature probes allow real-time tissue temperature monitoring for extra assurance.

  • Measures tissue temperature in or adjacent to ablation zone
  • If desired, automatically stops RF delivery based on temperature

RF Ablation High-Power Patient Return Electrode E Series

Innovative patient return electrode helps in protecting against potential for hotspots and reduces number of pads required.

  • Split electrode technology provides independent current monitoring of each half of the pad
  • Breathable backing dissipates heat
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